Picantó a la Moritz (2005)

Was presented in the BCN degusta Salon on the occasion of the publication of the book “Imaginary Crockery”. It was a recipe whose basic ingredients were a “picantó” chicken and a can of beer.

The master of ceremonies blended a sauce of honey, mustard, sea salt, ground black pepper, olive oil and a quarter part of the contents of a can of beer. Following that the “picantó” was coated with the sauce and was proudly perched in a comfortable position upon the can which was already in the roasting tray. After a quarter of an hour at 250the “picantó” was ready to eat. The tasting was accompanied by beer. And more beer.


Salón BCN Degusta, Barcelona
Stand Moritz, November 10-11, 2005
Realization: FC/Montse Guillen
Collaborators: Equip Tatjer, Dani Aixelá, Alen Coll
Production: Moritz
Photos: Pere Ferrer

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